The University of Oxford is one of the world’s oldest and most distinguished universities. It teaches and conducts research across the natural, medical and social sciences and humanities. The Oxford Internet Institute is a department in the University’s Social Science Division, focusing on the social implications of the Internet and other advanced ICTs. The multidisciplinary research faculty includes political scientists, sociologists, lawyers, and economists who are engaged in a variety of research projects covering social, economic, political, legal, industrial, technical and ethical issues of the Internet in: Everyday Life, Governance and Democracy, Network Economy, Science and Learning, and Shaping the Internet. Privacy and security research at the OII includes projects with DG Information Society, DG Freedom, Security and Justice (Towards a Future Internet and Privacy Open Space) and the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, as well as projects funded by the UK’s science and social science research councils (FRESNEL, Privacy Value Networks). As well as addressing key substantive research topics, the OII leads the field in methodological and theoretical innovation. Excellence in research underpins the Institute's collaborative and teaching activities, and wide-ranging collaborative relationships with experts from academe, government, business, and industry in the UK and around the world also play a central role in its strategic drive.