Deltabit biometrics Ltd. develops and delivers fingerprint recognition based identification and monitoring systems. The customers are small-, industrial-, production- and security businesses, health centres, healthcare, hospitals, cities and countries. The products are easy to use, reliable and cost efficient. We keep up high quality of service and customer oriented way of thinking - many of our current clients have already experienced this.
Deltabit Ltd. main fields of operations were extended from software to IT equipment and systems. 1998 - Deltabit Ltd. started the research and development of biometric systems – concentrating on fingerprint recognition. 2000 - Deltabit launched at the “IT at Works” exhibition at the Helsinki Fair Centre its first access control system based on biometric fingerprint recognition. The solution received remarkable attention from the public as well as from the media. First access control systems were delivered to the clients the following year. 2002 - Deltabit Ltd. announced and brought to the markets the first fingerprint reader unit designed for outdoors in the harsh and cold Finnish climate conditions. Ever since the outdoor reader units are being delivered to great number of clients. 2004 - the United States of America made initiative on the use of biometric identification methods in passports and official travel documents. This strong initiative established solid grounds for the development and growth of biometric recognition and identification methods. 2005 – 2011 Deltabit is biggest manufacturer of fingerprint systems. New product launched: Gatekeeper loginexpert, Gatekeeper Anywhere etc. Also many integration to other systems. Fingerprint has become as part of individuals everyday life. The pioneer work of Deltabit Ltd. has extensive and continuing influence towards the development of biometric recognition and identification methods and their implementation in everyday life.