The core competences of the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB) in Karlsruhe, founded in 1956, are in the three domains of image interpretation, control systems, and information and communication management. In the area of image processing and analysis, IOSB is the focal research institute of the Fraunhofer Society. The main task of Fraunhofer IOSB is realizing user-centric privacy in the FastPass system. The IOSB is leading WP2 and coordination user and stakeholder interaction. Based on the input of EU citizens, other travellers, operators other stake holders, IOSB is developing an interdisciplinary concept for privacy and a scheme Privacy Impact Assessment of ABC gates. In addition, there will be contribution to the process modeling and the optimization of the workflow and the data fusion of the involved sensing systems.
Fraunhofer IOSB is a pioneer in the area of interdisciplinary research on privacy in surveillance and security. The IOSB explores the usage of Privacy Enhancing Technologies and their accepatance in security technology in the national funded project SIRA. Usability and privacy aspects of security technology will be examined on EU level in the beginning of 2012 in the SURVEILLE project. The IOSB is also part of the nationally funded competence center for IT security KASTEL, where the IOSB is working on user driven data protection security technology. Fraunhofer IOSB provides skills and experience in the field of interactive recognition support with integration of automatic algorithms, decision support based on probabilistic and rule-based methods and innovative workplace concepts like the digital map table or the smart control room. . Relevant research areas for the project are multisensory data fusion and high-level information fusion in surveillance systems.
There have been many projects in the field of security application in the German, French-German and European scope. Recent activities, relevant for this proposal include the projects like: ORCHESTRA (Open architecture and spatial data infrastructure for risk management), SANY (Sensors Anywhere), AISIS (Protection of critical traffic infrastructure), SimSecur (Simulation of security gates). Fraunhofer IOSB was also involved in the FP7 EUProject WiMAAS (Wide Maritime Area Airborne Surveillance).